


“REFUSE TO LOSE: unite as one and step up” .

We value the accumulation of day-to-day baseball practices, and our goal this year is of course to ”conquer the nation!”

To achieve this, we will put our heart and soul into the ball in front of us and fight with all our might.

The 2022 Japanese Super Formula

March 17 Hachioji City Spring Tournament
March 30-31 2nd Kanto Area Reinforcing Exchange Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament
April 6-29 Tokyo Spring Tournament (doubles as a qualifier for the 79th National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament [Emperor’s Cup])
May 11-June 1 The 78th National Sports Festival Tokyo Selection Committee
June 8-July 15 Tokyo Summer Tournament (doubles as a qualifier for the 32nd East Japan Rubber-ball Baseball Championship [Mito Shicyo Ki Tournament])
August 8- Hachioji City Autumn Tournament
August 24-25 *The 78th National Sports Festival Kanto Block Qualifier
August 24-October 12 Tokyo Autumn Tournament
September 13-18 *The 79th National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament (Emperor’s Cup)
October 10-14 *The 78th National Sports Festival
November 1-5 Mito Shicyouki The 32th Japan RubberーBall Baseball Championship Tournament

*If the team loses in the preliminary round, we will not have the right to enter the tournament.


Since its foundation in 1977 as a rubber-ball baseball team, the team has consistently won and ranked as one of the top teams. Their glorious records include winning 2nd place in the Emperor’s Cup in 2013, winning a championship for two years in a row in 2015 and 2016 in the Koryuki Tournament and Mito Shicyo Ki Tournament respectively.

The team aims at fulfilling its long-lasting dream of winning the Emperor’s Cup and the National Athletic Meet.



1st place in the Tokyo Spring Tournament, Tokyo Summer Tournament and Tokyo Autumn Tournament
1st place in the Tokyo Spring Tournament, Tokyo Summer Tournament and Tokyo Autumn
Tournament Best 4 in the 31st East Japan Rubber-ball Baseball Championship (Mito Shicyo Ki Tournament)
First round in the 78th National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament (Emperor’s Cup)


2nd place in Tokyo Autumn Tournament / Best 4 in the Tokyo Summer Tournament


2nd place in Tokyo Autumn Tournament / Best 4 in the Tokyo Summer Tournament

First round in the 76th National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament (Emperor’s Cup)


1st place in the 74th Kanto Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament / 1st place in the Tokyo Summer Tournament and Tokyo Autumn Tournament

Second round in the 75th National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament (Emperor’s Cup)


2nd place in Kanto Selective & Interactive Tournament /Best 4 in the 69th Koryuki Tournament

Second round in the 74th National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament (Emperor’s Cup)


2nd place in the 26th East Japan Rubber-ball Baseball Championship (Mito Shicyo Ki Tournament)

Best 4 in the 68th Corporate Team Baseball Tournament (Fight for Koryuki Flag)


2nd place in the 25th East Japan Rubber-ball Baseball Championship (Mito Shicyo Ki Tournament)

Best 4 in the 67th Corporate Team Baseball Tournament (Fight for Koryuki Flag)


Champion in the 66th Corporate Team Baseball Tournament(Fight for Koryuki Flag)/Champion in the 24th East Japan Rubber-ball Baseball Championship (Mito Shicyo Ki Tournament)

2nd place in Tokyo Metropolitan Championship / Best 8 in the 71st National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament (Emperor’s Cup)


Champion in the 65th Corporate Team Baseball Tournament Fought for Koryuki Flag / Champion in the 23rd East Japan Rubber-ball Baseball Championship (Mito Shicyo Ki Tournament)

Best 4 in the 70th National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament (Emperor’s Cup)


Best 16 in the 69th National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament (Emperor’s Cup)


2nd place in the 68th National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament (Emperor’s Cup)


Champion in Tokyo Metropolitan Championship


Best 8 in the 65th National Athletic Meet / Best 8 in the 65th National Rubber-ball Baseball Tournament