ThreeBond's management principles of "Founding Principles," "Company Spirit," and "Operational Creed," together with the desire to "prevent the leakage of precious energy," which inspired the founding of the company, created the origins of ThreeBond and this philosophy continues to this day.
We still value the original ideas and "Management Principles" that we had at the time of our founding, and in any era, all employees work together to do their best to create products that can meet the needs of our customers.
Our founding principles consist of three phrases with "work" as the keyword.
With work as the starting point, we will develop technologies that will contribute to global society and humankind in the future while cultivating the growth of our employees.
- To manifest love through our work.
- To serve humanity and society through our work.
- To strive for spiritual growth and development through our work.
The workplace is a place for neither individualism nor totalitarianism. Rather, it is a place where each person may live and grow based upon his/her own realization of the spirit of cooperation.
We resolve to promote the technical advancement of the industrial world through the full utilization of our company's technology, products and organization. We further resolve to operate according to the following principles in order that we may contribute to the evolution of human culture to the very best of our ability.
- 1. To serve with sincere enthusiasm.
- 2. To show sincerity and good will at all times.
- 3. To respect the absoluteness of time.
At ThreeBond, we place the utmost importance on the relationship of trust with our customers, and refer to this as URC activities "to gain the understanding of our customers, earn their reliance, and foster comradeship with them." These activities form our basic stance for conducting customer-oriented business.
ThreeBond wants to contribute to all people through its advanced technological capabilities to produce excellent products, and through "comradeship," an emotion common to all humankind which is indispensable for building a better society.