Sealant for electric vehicles that are becoming popular around the world
Sealant for electric vehicles that are becoming popular around the world
ThreeBond 1160
Sealant for electric vehicles that are becoming popular around the world
"ThreeBond 1160 is a one-component, room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) non-silicone sealant. Its main component is a silyl-based special polymer. The sealant cures when
reacting with a trace of moisture in the air. After curing, the sealant becomes a rubber-like elastic body excelling in heat resistance and chemical resistance. This product does not
intentionally contain low molecular weight cyclic siloxanes which cause electrical contact failures or organotin compounds regulated by the REACH Regulation. "
1 Measure against electrical contact failure
Sealant used as a measure against electrical contact failure in electric components that are increasingly used on-board with the growing number of electric vehicles
2 Compliant with laws and regulations of major countries
Compliant with export/import and environmental regulations of the US, Canada, Europe, China, South Korea, and other major countries (as of March 2022)
3 Automation of operations
Under the situation where challenges in securing operators are increasing due to decline in the productive-age population, it can be an alternative for solid gaskets, enabling automation of operations.
Product details
Please see here for more information about this product